Mental Capacity
At this seminar for members of STEP, Dr Warner covers the complex epidemiology behind losing mental
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capacity and the different ways in which this affects the legal domain.
Mental Capacity
At this seminar for members of STEP, Dr Warner covers the complex epidemiology behind losing mental
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capacity and the different ways in which this affects the legal domain.
Dementia Drugs — Facts and Fiction
At this seminar for members of the Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), Dr Warner talks about the
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pharmacological management of dementia and addresses both facts and fiction.
Mental health, alcoholism and lack of capacity
At this Thought Leaders 4 Private Client seminar , Dr Warner talks about the impact of alcoholism
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and Covid on mental capacity.
Dementia Explained
Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia
At this tutorial for members of the Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), Dr Warner examines a stepped
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approach to dementia treatment.
Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
In this webinar Dr James Warner covers the behavioural symptoms that are common in dementia and how
drugs may not be needed necessarily to treat them
Consent to Treatment
At this seminar for members of the Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), Dr Warner covers the
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issues of consent to treatment from both a medical and legal perspective, in the aftermath of the Montgomery case that has made informed consent mandatory. Patients are increasingly aware of their rights in this area and complaints have been on the rise due to inadequate completion of this step in the patient journey.
Retrospective Capacity Assessments
Internal training for Halcyon Doctors.