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Looking for an

Unequivocal Answer

 to a Mental Capacity


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Uncompromisingly Robust Reports

The principal purpose of assessing and recording mental capacity is to take away any ambiguity surrounding your clients' capacity, and if capacitous, to protect their decisions against future challenges. This is why your clients require the most credible, watertight reports that would stand up in court.

“I was very pleased and impressed with the service you provided.”
Solicitor, Osbornes LLP
The Imperatives Underpinning our Reports

Halcyon Doctors produce uncompromisingly robust mental capacity reports by adhering to seven imperatives:

  • Comprehensive expert assessments conducted by specialist consultant psychiatrists
  • Absolute impartiality regardless of the decision at hand and degree of contention
  • Responsive service and prompt assessments to ensure unhindered progress of the case
  • Straight-talking yet compassionate approach to mitigate any distress experienced by the client
  • Collaborative way of working to ensure our reports meet all relevant legal requirements
  • Thorough and scrupulous process of producing both medical and court reports
  • Unshakable belief in our approach and a willingness to defend our conclusions in court


We are specialised in both current mental capacity and retrospective capacity cases. For more information about our accomplished doctors, their current availability, our prices and any other details regarding our premium capacity services, please call us on 0203 7000 163 or click below.

Contact us

For concrete instructions, please send an email to: [email protected]. The team at Halcyon Doctors is standing by.

Care Quality Commission Rating